Saturday, January 24, 2009

Whooping Cranes Arrive at Chasshowitzka NWR

The Eagle has to speak!!!!

The last seven whooping cranes have touched down at Chasshowitzka NWR. The area is all marsh and the trikes couldn't land, so handlers in crane costumes were at the pen to call them in. Six of them touched down - #824 liked the warm thermals and didn't want to land so they finally had find a field to land and crate her up and take her to the pen site. Yes, #824 was the gal that I kind of adopted, LOL. Guess she wanted to head on down to the Keys!!

eta: Since I posted this blog I read at Operation Migration that it was actually #804, not #824 who resisted setting down at Chasshowitzka.

It took 88 days to make the journey and I am constantly overwhelmed at the commitment of the crew that makes this possible.

Can't wait for spring so I can visit the International Crane Foundation and see their new Crane exhibit. Camping at Necedah is also a must for summer camping. In the meantime, I'm just trying to keep warm!!

Here are some videos from YouTube of the arrival and interviews in St Marks.

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